Thursday, December 20, 2012

Semi Homemade...

If you can't make it from scratch,...make it special.
Often enough, I have house guests over from all over this land. So it's inevitable that I'm saddled with grocery purchases that would never otherwise find itself in my kitchen. This time, it was pancake mix. And since that great brunch/breakfast combination of sweet and savory is most irresistible for me, I indulged. But more than that, I got creative.
This particular mix called for 3/4 cup of milk. Instead, I used apple juice and caramelized apples to put on top. And since I had more of this stuff, I tried other ideas.

Vanilla nut pancakes: fresh vanilla bean, whipping cream instead of milk and spicy pecans (Trader Joe's).

Savory shrimp fritters: sautéed onion, celery, shrimp, Cajun seasoning and bacon. Deep fry.

Apple fritters: sautéed apples, cinnamon, nutmeg. Deep fry.

Orange cranberry pancakes: replace milk w/ orange juice. Add dried cranberries.

Maple bacon pancakes:
Add bacon bits, a small bit of sugar and maple to the batter

Honey ginger pancakes:
Ad honey and freshly grated ginger.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What the EFF is This?!!!!

Ever wonder why chefs have a universal reputation for being intense and obnoxious..... ahem...professionals? Well, one could attribute it to arrogance, as some of the more popular food shows have pulled back the curtain on a "hidden" sector of artists who spend countless hours and dollars perfecting their craft. You might also attribute it to the industry itself, as it has become a saturated market of great talent and wannabes alike and thus is extremely competitive and equally as stressful.
But for the sake of argument and perhaps having a slight bias on the topic, my take on it is a slight different. We've perhaps developed an aptitude to yell, curse like sailors and on occasion throw a pan or two across a crowded kitchen because, well....we care.
Wait! Hear me out. It's true. Not only do we care about being/staying relevant, or the adrenal rush associated with the competitive nature of this saturated industry... But moreover, we care about the product we put out and the people that eat it. A great chef will painstakingly seek the finest purveyors for produce and protein. We carefully design recipes with consideration of seasonal fare and of course, the consumer. Hours on end are spent on menu design for the greatest in flavor and wine pairings. Suffice it to say,'s serious business for us.
So when my list requested 1 quart of whipping cream and organic chicken stock (I'd just run out of the good stuff) and he returned with a red can of whipped (?) and jar of bullion cubes, well yes, question, inexplicably, was ..."What the Eff is This?!!!".
Here's the thing. Short cuts are no friend to a great chef. And what I want you, the reader, to embrace, is that a short cut is neither a friend to you.
Indeed, the food industry has sold us on a microwavable lifestyle fixed on instant gratification. Fully cooked and ready in five minutes have become a part of the American lexicon. And while I understand whole heartedly the plight of the single mom or bachelor, my ultimate intent is that you eat well. Indeed, I'll share secrets of quick preparation and one pot wonders. Or even ways to prep for an entire weeks worth of menu. But some things!....some things deserve that extra attention to detail annnnd,...probably should never be compromised!

For example:
Making chicken stock is always my first choice. It's super easy and you can make a huge batch and freeze it. In most places, your local market will give or sell you chicken, beef or veal bones (see recipe below). Not only are you getting the maximum flavor by cooking down the bones but you also get to season and flavor accordingly with each use. Listen.....the first ingredient in SALT!
It's then followed up by a rambling list of ingredients. Some unrecognizable. Chicken stock, my friend, has very simple ingredients: bones, carrot, onion, celery fresh herbs and water. Do yourself a favor: make your own stock...or buy it. But avoid bullion cubes.

And about that air filled whipped stuff in the red can: Fresh whipped cream is so easy to make. It consists of three ingredients to which you have creative autonomy to add on and improvise - whipping cream, sugar and effort. You can infuse lemon or other extracts, fresh vanilla bean and flavoredliquors for added panache.
Can anyone tell me what's in that red can anyway?!

The truth is that many short cuts are just not worth it. And frankly, they keep you from shining! Your guests, significant other or family would be thoroughly impressed by a grand mariner flavored whipped cream atop that famous pound cake or pie of yours.

Here are a few other things that are worth going au natural:

Lemons vs. Lemon Juice:
Taste a natural lemon. Now suck down a swig of that other stuff. No comparison! Lemons have so many great uses. Add a squeeze to practically any dish and watch what happens. Fresh lemon is great for sauces, dressings, fresh lemonade, marinades and much more.

Fresh herbs vs. Dried:
While some dried herbs are great to have around (oregano/basil), there's nothing like the real deal. To cut cost, as they tend to be ridiculously expensive in the super markets, purchase from your local farmers market. I get 3 times as much for 1/2 the price.

Garlic vs. Garlic Powder:
Simple. Garlic is garlic! There's no substituting it. Garlic powder is used, in my professional experience, to merely enhance the flavor of the real deal. Garlic also works wonders for a winter cold, as it is a natural antibiotic. Steep it in water. Add lemon (real lemon) and a touch of honey. Drink it like tea ( I even eat the cloves). Just don't breath on anyone. Bet you can't cure a cold with garlic powder and bottled lemon juice.

Roué vs. Slurry:
Perhaps words you're unfamiliar with but the technique, I'm sure you've practiced (as was the case for me prior to culinary teachings). A traditional roué begins with 1 part fat (butter, oil, duck fat, bacon fat etc.) to 1 part flour. This combo is used as a base for gumbo, to thicken stews (étouffée, chicken/beef stew), pot pies, soups, gravies or even Mac & Cheese. It's cooked together until a nutty flavor is developed. This increases the taste of the dish in question. Conversely, a slurry (cold water & flour) can hastily be added to the same dishes to thicken. The difference is a pasty taste to the end product that often is masked with extra salt and seasoning. Go with the former.

Recipe: Chicken Stock
2 part onion + 1 part celery + 1 part carrot
Chicken bones
1/2 Garlic bulb
Pepper corns
Bay leaf
2 gallons of water

In a large stock pot, lightly sauté vegetables. Add bones. Toast lightly to extract flavor. Add herbs and water. Bring to a boil until bubbles are visible. Then bring to a simmer.
Cook for 8 - 12 hours and skim off any white scum throughout. Add water as needed.
Strain with a fine mesh strainer. Cool in an ice bath in the sink. Store in freezer for up to 3 months. Refrigerates for 2-3 days.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

The New Bartender

Mix.o.logy: the art or skill of preparing mixed drinks.

At first glance, the term may appear as but a synonym for bartender. However upon closer inspection one should acknowledge the operative words here as defined by free dictionary: art and skill
A visit to any pub, bar or restaurant spear headed by one of Los Angeles' top or celebrity chefs and you'll quickly see what differentiates a bartender from well,...a mixologist.

It's not enough to arm yourself with recipes from long ago. Those ancient cocktails that your grandfathers father drank. No. Today, one must have an artistic ease, a deft hand and a palate as refined as the executive chef himself. These artists are creating concoctions that infuse fresh herbs, spices, peppers and even cured meat.

This new wave of artistry is quite the temptation. The recipes read like a tantalizing meal. And the ingredients are as complex as those found in the entree: chipotle pepper, beef bouillon, Serrano infused liqueurs, smoked salts, fresh ginger, agave nectar, egg froth, crispy prosciutto, and cilantro. I've even seen a bloody mary with an entire burger skewered atop it. Umm,...thanks. But no thanks.

The bottom really about the bottom line. Top restaaurants can not rightfully compete with other establishments' happy hours by selling the same cocktails for excessive prices. So they got creative in order to "justifiably" charge $14.00 for one cocktail.
So let's do the math. The average consumer that will indulge in a cocktail with dinner will partake in a minimum of 2. Multiply that to include a dinner party of but 2 and drinks alone are a gulping $56.00!

True there's an artistry to this. But just as I recommend that you experiment in the kitchen with cuisine, why not here as well. How cool to have a signature cocktail for your next holiday party. Make it as exciting as cured meats and chipotle spice or as elegant as orange and cilantro added to a mimosa.
Begin with your choice of alcohol: tequila, vodka, mezcal, rum etc.
Then lay out the accoutrement. Start with whatever you have handy: chili peppers, herbs, juices, Tabasco, Soy, coconut water, cucumber, peaches, cumin, curry, etc.

Be adventurous and grab a few things from the market: rosemary, passion fruit, watermelon, sugar cane, etc.
Then muddle around and see what works best! Id recommend that you:
1. Start with the base and leave out the alcohol. Once you've invented your mouth watering recipe, then add the spirits.
2. Sometimes this is not possible, depending on the concoction. That being the case, work in very small "tasting" portions.

Of course all of your guests will be begging for the recipe. Type it up, roll it scroll style and secure with ribbon. Send your guests away with a gift that keeps on giving.

Here are a few pairings to get you started.
*not to be mistaken as recipes


Watermelon: basil, cilantro, chili powder, mint, Tequila

Cumin: apples, cardamom, cayenne

Chipotle: cilantro, lime, cured jerky, lemon juice, smoked paprika, Mezcal or Tequila

Pears: cardamom, butterscotch, fennel, ginger, honey, rosemary, crispy prosciutto, orange zest, Rum, Brandy, Bourbon

Passion Fruit: cilantro, egg whites, vanilla, mango, ginger, lemon, lime, Dark Rum, Cointreau, Tequilla

Oranges: cloves, thyme, rosemary, saffron, star anise, ginger, honey, basil, cilantro, cumin, apricots, lemon grass or zest, cinnamon, Brandy, Kirsch, Armagnac, Rum, orange liqueurs
*avoid all night mixing by making pitchers of your signature cocktail. If herb muddling is involved, save it for service. Ice and shake when serving.

Now grab your shaker, muddler and be armed with imagination. And keep us posted on your award winning concoctions!

-Relax. Dine. Indulge

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I Cook With Wine...

"...And sometimes I put it in my food."
Perhaps the originator of this quote too believed that "over a bottle of wine, many a friend is found."

But aside from a casual glass as you pull together a stellar meal, there are plenty of great reasons to pour a little into those pots of yours.
For one, wine is an excellent way to increase the flavor while decreasing the fat! Instead of your regular amounts of oil or butter, decrease and add wine to sauté veggies or fish. This is also applicable to simmering and in fact, some baking! Substitute the 3/4 cup of oil with 3/4 cup of dessert wine to maintain the moisture, heighten the flavor and lessen the fat content. Now I'll drink to that!

Wine is also great to use as a marinade vs the oil we often use. And because of its acidic properties, it acts as a tenderizer as well.

One of my favorites: a red wine gastrique.
After searing lamb chops and sending them to the oven to finish, deglaze the pan with a cup of red wine. Add crushed peppercorns and chopped shallots (optional). Then add a few teaspoons of sugar. Cook down until it coats and clings to the back of your spoon. Strain the peppercorn and shallots. And if you must -tsk- finish with a pat of butter for added richness. Drizzle over chops, duck or salmon.
This works with white wine as well for fish and poultry. For an impressive pork tenderloin, throw in chopped apple to amp up your wine gastrique!

For a simple dessert, poach peeled pears in a combination of white wine, water and sugar. Top with a balsamic raspberry reduction (raspberries, 2 cups of balsamic vinegar reduced to half).

Now, the rule of thumb is that if you won't drink it then don't cook with it. Well while I won't attempt to sell you on serving it at your next dinner party, a great go to are Charles Shaw Wines (affectionately known as "two buck chuck" for it's low cost of $1.99).
Side Note: It's actually a decent bottle of drinking wine, for the price. And thus it's continued popularity.

And finally!...the ever so popular question: Does the alcohol content evaporate when cooking with wine or other spirits? The short answer: No, not completely.
However, the longer it's cooked, the more the alcohol will evaporate (i.e. poached pear). Conversely, a flambé, using rum, will burn off roughly 25% of the alcohol content. But still, divide that by portions and I promise you won't get inebriated eating bananas foster.

BUT! If you have concerns of addiction relapse, are pregnant or nursing, you should avoid and ignore this post and inquire about alcohol content when dining out.

Bur for the rest of you that might agree that there are many a great reason to cook with wine,...I raise my glass to you. Cheers!


Friday, December 7, 2012

Permission to be Free!

FOOD TRUTH: My mother was my first Chef Instructor. No, she wasn't a professional in the culinary industry. But those many years ago, she taught me invaluable lessons that Le Cordon Bleu would later reiterate.

One such lesson was that if you're using a recipe, let it act as a guide. Ahh! What glorious freedom lies in this understanding.
Certainly!...there's value in recreating grandmas double-dipped buttermilk fried chicken. But on the off chance that there isn't any hot sauce, should I nix the idea? Lesson learned. I have complete autonomy to reinterpret.

I could easily post a single recipe daily. Ultimately, what I would hope to come from your kitchen is a labor of your love. A product of your heart. A masterpiece of your imagination and taste preference. With even the recipes that are posted, the consistent caviat is that one feels free to make adjustments based on your own palate and frankly, what's in your kitchen. While some flavors could potentially clash, you never know....
Cook with heart and a learned sense of fearlessness! It usually turns out just fine.

A few examples:

A good southern classic is Shrimp and Grits. But sometimes I'll add seared scallops. For an impressive romantic brunch, throw in pieces of butter-poached lobster!
Grits are interchangeable as well. Try a creamy cheesy polenta with that shrimp.
Polenta leftovers? I Once braised a bit of short rib and spooned it over polenta. I finished with a red wine reduction. Simple but elegant dinner.

Gno WHO? Gnocchi!
It's great stuff. A combination of pasta and potato. The most common preparation is in a simple tomato based sauce. But why not a garlic cream sauce. Add shrimp or mussels. Or both. Vegetables work well in there too: pearl onions, tomato, mushroom or asparagus.
Or what about a play on steak and potatoes? Sauté cooked gnocchi in browned butter. Serve next to a filet mignon and top with a savory Demi glacé.
Class up a simple slice of cake with Nutella sauce (Nutella & milk whisked together). Add a dash of cayenne pepper for a little zing. Or macerated berries and fresh whipped cream would be great on pound cake.
A few ripening bananas laying around? Slice and cook them down with a vanilla. Add a little bourbon and spicy pecans. That'll teach that plain cake!

Look. While I promise to provide a foundation for some good eats, by all means, feel free to use your imagination! And for goodness sakes,...


Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Win - Win!

Ok, this one is a slam dunk! Pair the thing that women fantasize about most with the thing that men fantasize about most, for some mid-morning fun. No, not that! I'm talking about romance and a mean sandwich! Many a comedian have joked of a mans love of a great sandwich. The obvious implication is that his needs are simple and far less complex than the romanticized considerations of of hers. But fear not. The solution is a simple fix.

There's something significantly romantic and sexy about a weekend brunch. For women it reads, he will forgo an afternoon of channel surfing or delay tinkering under the hood of a car to lock hand and eye with you egg. And what better way to express our appreciation than with the quintessential man-meal: a most amazing and hearty brunch sandwich. Pair it with a mimosa or a pitcher of bloody Mary's, and the volume of mid-morning fun just went up a few decibels.
First thing: make it a grown-up gourmet sandwich. Use French or sour dough bread. Slice it, add olive oil to each side, season with salt and griddle. For the fixings, try pancheta, prosciutto or even fried pork belly atop softly fried eggs. For lighter fair, go with smoked turkey, smoked salmon or chicken sausage.
Triple creamed Brie, provolone, Swiss, Havarti or manchego will heighten the flavor.
Here are some other interesting add-ons:
Grilled or red onions
Fresh fig
Sliced green apple
Portabello mushroom
Red, yellow and green peppers

You can even try an open face lobster sandwich with poached egg and béchamel sauce. Delicious!

Round out the meal with a side if fresh fruit and breakfast potatoes.

Here's my favorite mimosa recipe:

~Grand Mimosa~
2 oz Orange juice - per glass
Top off with Champagne or Proseco
Splash of Grand Marnier


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Once you go Black!...

A great preparation for many a protein is blackened. However, it's one of those things that I almost never order in a restaurant. As well, its something I rarely see coming out of a home kitchen. I've deduced that it's for reasons of season imbalance that most of our palates are deterred from blackened fish, shrimp or otherwise. But if blackened and balanced properly, won't turn back!
Here's the key. Forgo the store bought stuff and create your own blackened seasoning. This way you have control of the salt content and spice level. This also gives you creative autonomy. Who says that you can add a shake of ground cardamom or amp up the cayenne quotient. Go for it! Your kitchen. Your fish. Your choice.

Also, to significantly heighten the blackened experience balance the protein with a sweet and textural component. Try a sweet and crunchy corn relish with blackened salmon. Or a fennel slaw with a champagne vinaigrette to balance blackened shrimp.
Here's a recipe for blackened seasoning.

2 tsp Paprika
1 tsp Cayenne pepper
2 tsp Onion powder
2 tsp Garlic powder
1/4 tsp Ground cumin
1/2 tsp Ground white pepper
1/2 tsp Ground black pepper
1 1/2 tsp Dried thyme
1 1/2 tsp Dried oregano
1 tsp Dried basil
1 or 2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp sugar
1/8 tsp nutmeg

While this recipe for blackened seasoning is successful, remember you have complete control. Lessen the salt content; increase the amount of cayenne; leave out the nutmeg or sugar, etc.
Your kitchen! Your fish! Your choice!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Water 2 Wine

If at all you know anything about me from a personal landscape, you know that my favorite beverage is, yes....water.
Ok, fine!....and wine. I've deduced that since the two appear in the same scripture,... it's all good, right?
But seriously, drinking water, for me, is unlike anything I've ever witnessed, I promise. And to most, I'm certain, it might appear a slight bizarre. Though not co-signed by my physician, I'm convinced that my endorphin levels are heightened. I'm known to allow...ahem...a "noise" of appreciation for its thirst quenching deliciousness, to pass my lips. Yes. I authentically love water that much.
Growing up, I've loved it more than my neighborhood compadres and close friends loved red Kool-Aid.

And what does this proclamation have to do with anything, you ask? Well, unfortunately no one has yet to take the initiative on Kool-Aid or soda pop pairings, when it comes to cuisine. At least not that I've heard. What I do know is that neither will do justice to your pork chops, branzino or braised short ribs. Point being, if you're not into the sometimes pretentiousness of wine or don't drink at all, opt for water with your meal. After working feverishly on that beautiful lamb shank (or whatever's for dinner), spare it the flavor compromise. Wait until after for pop, juice or other sweetened drinks.
You see, the flavorings, additives, preservatives and sugars will completely alter the taste of a dish. I became acutely aware of this when I first left home. Let's just say I tried to compensate for what was disallowed. I fast acquainted myself with blueberry blast Kool-Aid. Suddenly my mothers recipes didn't taste the same. I was living a food whore's worst nightmare! Suffice it to say, my rebellion did not last past the 30 day mark.
So there it is... Yet another great reason to drink water!

But for the sake of mix-matching, here are a few pairings for wine and beer drinkers:

With Pork:
Beer - Rye Beer; English Stout; Irish Red Ale
Wine - Pinot Noir (try De Tierra Monterey)

With Poultry:
Beer - Hefeweizen; American Amber
Wine - both reds & whites pair well with Poultry, depending on the preparation. I like a full bodied Chardonnay. Bogle California has a nice crisp yet buttery flavor

With Grilled meat:
Beer - Belgian Strong Dark Ale (I recommend Chimay *it's made by monks!)
Wine - Sauvignon Blanc; Proseco; Syrah (Trader Joe's has an simple but good bottle of Proseco).


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fake It, Until You Make It!

Finicky eaters annoy me. Perhaps and admit ably ...too much! I could even loose my own appetite while observing one pick through a perfectly good salad or discard anything remotely resembling healthy. In fact, I have friends that I refuse to dine with for their fear of green garnitures, salads or "runny" eggs!

So here, in the world of cookery, is where that old saying is totally applicable:
"Fake it!...Until you make it!"
Indeed my friend, sometimes one must fake out the taste buds for the sake of the greater good. You see, there's absolutely no reason for you to aboard spinach or have such great disdain for Brussels Sprouts. One's mind will simply compute that this thing is healthy!!! And thus, it will taste like a cardboard box.
So here. Try this for tricks. Add something to it that's absolutely irresistible: a little sweetness, some added crunch, bacon flavor... Then go crazy. Hopefully, somewhere between forkfuls of green things, carrots or cauliflower, the light switch, that is your slumbering palate, will come on. And you'll come to realize, that when in season, beets and Brussels are but natures candy and are far more delicious than the ranch dressing you drown your salads in. least healthier. I promise.
But in the interim, here are a few ideas to fake us all into eating more vegetables. This is great for kids too!

Beets: add balsamic reduction, Gorgonzola and hazelnuts
*when reduced, balsamic vinegar is sweet and tangy. Keep an eye on it and reduce to the consistency of syrup.

Cauliflower: tastes great curried w/ currants or raisins. Add almond slithers for layered texture.

Spinach: Add sautéed apple and crispy prosciutto. Candied walnuts are also great in this wilted spinach salad.

Kale: Toss in dried cranberries and pine nuts. Red onion and tomato works well in this warm salad too.

Cabbage: Add an orange glaze w/ toasted cashew nuts. *Simply reduce orange juice for an easy glaze. Pomegranate juice works great with purple cabbage.

Butternut Squash: bake it with a bit of butter and brown sugar. Drizzle with truffle honey before serving.

Here's a baconY recipe for Brussels Sprouts:
Dijon Brussels Sprouts

1/2 lb. Brussels (quartered)
Olive oil
1 table spoon Dijon mustard
1 table spoon Butter
1/4 cup White wine, chicken stock or water
1/8 Crispy bacon bits (turkey Bacon works too!)
Salt & pepper

Sauté Brussels in olive oil until slightly tender. Deglaze pan with wine, stock or water. Reduce and add butter and Dijon. Stir until creamy. Add more liquid, butter or Dijon if needed.
Season w/ salt and pepper. Finish with crispy bacon bits. Serve and enjoy.

*the ideas are abbreviated versions of actual recipes (with the exception of the Brussels Sprouts). Inbox if you're interested in a specific recipe.